East Penn Sanitation has a Variety of Services to Fit your Residential Needs

Full Service
Eight 30 gallon bags (not to exceed 40 lbs. each) of trash picked up one time per week. Recyclables are unlimited. Check with the municipality on recycling bins and guidelines. Billed every two months. Senior Citizens & Veterans discount (65 or older, proof of age required & VA proof required).

Limited Service
Six 30 gallon bags (not to exceed 40 lbs. each) of trash picked up one time per week. Recyclables are unlimited. Billed every two months.

Pay as you Throw – Bag Service
One 30 gallon bag (not to exceed 40 lbs.) of trash picked up one time per week. The bag customer must fall within our existing residential routes – we will not travel outside our existing routes. Bags are sold through our office, by phone or by mail. Recycling and newspapers also require bags. We will only deliver up to 20 bags. Recycling must be in a green East Penn Sanitation company bag.
Additional Waste/Extra Clean-Ups
Must be reported to the office before pickup day. Any trash over the limit will be an extra charge of $20.00 per yard or $3.00 per bag or can. Any construction materials are $40.00 per yard.
The Right Dumpster to Help You Clean-Up
East Penn has the right dumpster to help you clean out. We bring the dumpster. You load it at your convenience. When you are ready, call East Penn and we will come pick it up. Call 610-759-6398 x2

Unacceptable Wastes
We do not accept liquids, acids, infectious waste, oil waste, gas, anti-freeze, chemicals, batteries, asbestos siding and insulation, hot ashes, or any other poisonous or hazardous materials. For these materials, please call 1-800-HHW-PKUP, or check the PADEP website or your local county/community website. All radioactive materials, e.g. smoke detectors, tissues, or other waste products from people undergoing radiation therapy, etc., should be treated as hazardous and not disposed of in household trash. All injection needles must be inside a sealed container (i.e a coffee ca with lid) to be accepted for trash pickup. Yard waste is not acceptable to residential waste. East Penn encourages customers to use their township’s green waste recycling programs and/or mulch/compost their grass.
Bulk Items
Bulk item pickup must be reported to the office BEFORE pickup day. Due to liability, we will not enter onto private property or into residences; all items must be removed at the curbside. Check with your local municipality for annual residential cleanups. ANYTHING OUTSIDE YOUR NORMAL EVERY DAY TRASH**MUST**BE CALLED INTO THE OFFICE FOR PICK UP.

Household Refuse:
Place rubbish out at the curbside by 5:00 AM the morning of pickup or the night before pickup. Drivers will not return to pick up trash if it is not out on the day of pickup; trash will be removed the following week.
Garbage Can Replacement:
It is the policy of East Penn to reimburse residential customers up to $20.00 for trash can damage only when the damage is a direct result of our employees or equipment. We will evaluate the occurrence of trash can damage individually. Please contact the office if your trash container is damaged as a result of our employees or equipment
Electronic Recycling:
Northampton County Environmental Services
Deals with Special Collection Services and Recycling Education
Northampton County Department of Community & Economic Development kzinis@northamptoncounty.org.
Sites that will accept your electronic items in compliance with Act 90 freecyclellc.com or aerc.com
Holiday Pick-Up:
All holidays observed by EPS are: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a weekday, all customers whose trash and recycling day follows that holiday will be serviced one day late. Sunday holidays will have no change for weekly pickup.
Inclement Weather:
Days that there will be no trash removal services due to bad weather, please listen to our answering service for a message, WFMZ-TV www.wfmz.com. Look for reports on East Penn Sanitation and Hauling Companies. Trash or recycling will then be picked up the following day, pending weather and road conditions. Also, find inclement weather information on our website and Facebook page.
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